Figure out the missing color combinations and calculate the missing sum.
(-2.811159, 23.393631) => 🔵 blue + 🟡 yellow + 🔴 red = 105
(61.184206, 88.254637) => [missing combination] = 121
(32.987073, 56.651384) => 🟢 green + ⚪ white + 🔴 red = 111
(50.881067, 5.113860) => [missing combination] = 122
(58.911646, 24.869867) => 🔵 blue + ⚫ black + ⚪ white = 44
(-29.144962, 24.027302) => [missing combination] = [final puzzle solution]
🤓 Bonus:
x = [final puzzle solution] - 104
y = [final puzzle solution]
(x.70407437075822, y.5577317304603)
You should see something strange when looking with the right perspective.